Yugoslavia year 1943 Exile Issue Historical Personalities stamps set


Yugoslavia year 1943 Exile Issue Historical Personalities stamps set

Yugoslavia year 1943 Exile Issue Historical Personalities stamps set MNH

The 1943 Exile Issue of Historical Personalities stamps from Yugoslavia is a fascinating set that reflects the country’s turbulent history during World War II. These stamps were issued by the Yugoslav government-in-exile, which was based in London after Axis forces occupied Yugoslavia in 1941.

Overview of the 1943 Exile Issue Historical Personalities Stamps

Release Year: 1943
Country: Yugoslavia (Government-in-Exile)
Subject: Historical Personalities


The 1943 Exile Issue stamps feature prominent historical figures from Yugoslavia’s history. These stamps were intended to maintain the presence and continuity of the Yugoslav state during the occupation.

Key Features

  1. Design: The stamps prominently feature portraits of important historical personalities from Yugoslavia, showcasing their contributions to the nation’s heritage and history.
  2. Denominations: The set includes various denominations, reflecting the postal needs of the time.
  3. Colors: The stamps are printed in a variety of colors, each portrait typically having a distinct color background.
  4. Perforations: These stamps have standard perforations for the time, and this detail can be important for identification and authentication.

Notable Personalities Featured

  1. King Peter II: The reigning monarch who was in exile during the issuance of these stamps.
  2. Vuk Stefanović Karadžić: A Serbian linguist and reformer, known for his work on the Serbian language and literature.
  3. Njegoš (Petar II Petrović-Njegoš): A Montenegrin prince-bishop and poet, celebrated for his literary works and national leadership.
  4. Other figures: Various other notable figures from different regions and historical periods of Yugoslavia.