Papua New Guinea 2012 Contemporary Art stamps MNH


Papua New Guinea 2012  Contemporary Art Michel 1766-73 + BL 149  MNH**

Papua New Guinea issued a set of four stamps in 2007, not 2012, titled “Contemporary Art” that featured artwork by four prominent Papua New Guinean artists. These stamps are sought after by collectors interested in contemporary art or Papua New Guinea’s philatelic history.

The stamps depict the following works:

  • “Blended Culture (Oro Gagara)” by Mathias Kauageshowcases a colorful figure representing the cultural exchange between the highlands and the lowlands of Papua New Guinea.

“The Sorcerer – Cultural Initiation (Begesin/Madang)” by Timothy Akis portrays a masked figure representing a sorcerer involved in a cultural initiation ceremony.

“Blended Culture (Hewa Wigman)” by Kauage depicts a wigman, a traditional figure associated with the Hewa tribe.

“Pigs into Python – Legend (Bukawa, Morobe Province)” by Moi Anisillustrates a legend about pigs being transformed into a python.

The stamps were issued in a miniature sheet format, and the denominations ranged from 50 to 200 toea.


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