Malta year 1970 / 1985 Christmas – religious art stamps


Malta year 1970 / 1985 Christmas – religious art stamps

Malta released several Christmas themed stamps featuring religious art during the years 1970 and 1985. These stamps are popular among collectors who are interested in religious iconography or Maltese postal history.

Finding a complete set might require searching through online marketplaces or specialized stamp dealers but some examples include:pen_spark

  • 1975 Christmas – Nativity Scene(5c) depicting the birth of Jesus with Mary, Joseph, and the baby in a manger. 1975 Malta Christmas Nativity Scene stamp
  • 1978 Christmas – Adoration of the Magi(5c) showcasing the three wise men presenting gifts to the newborn Jesus. 1978 Malta Christmas Adoration of the Magi stamp
  • 1979 Christmas – The Holy Family(10c) featuring a portrayal of Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus. 1979 Malta Christmas The Holy Family stamp
  • 1982 Christmas – Madonna and Child(25c) depicting the Virgin Mary holding baby Jesus. 1982 Malta Christmas Madonna and Child stamp

It’s important to note that these are just a few examples, and there may be other Christmas stamps with religious art issued by Malta during this period.


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