Germany Upper Silesia Plebiscite Versailles Treaty stamps year 1920


Germany Upper Silesia Plebiscite Postage Versailles Treaty postage stamps 1920

Germany Upper Silesia Plebiscite Postage Versailles Treaty postage stamps 1920

After World War I, the Treaty of Versailles (1919) mandated a plebiscite in the region of Upper Silesia to determine whether the territory would belong to Germany or Poland. This area was ethnically mixed, with both German and Polish populations, and the outcome of the plebiscite was crucial for determining the border between the two countries.

The plebiscite took place in March 1921 under the supervision of the League of Nations. The population was asked to choose between remaining part of Germany or joining the newly independent Poland. The outcome was highly contentious, with both sides accusing each other of irregularities and intimidation tactics during the campaign.

In the end, the results were so close that the League of Nations divided the region between Germany and Poland along ethnic lines. This decision led to tensions and even violence in some areas, reflecting the deep divisions and historical animosities in the region.