Yugoslavia year 1968 stamps Fauna Birds Complete set


6 in stock

Yugoslavia 1968 / Fauna – Birds Michel 1274/1279 – Mint never hinged (**)

Yugoslavia 1968 / Fauna – Birds Michel 1274/1279 – Mint never hinged (**)

The territory that was once Yugoslavia encompassed various habitats, including forests, wetlands, mountains, and coastal areas, providing suitable environments for a wide array of bird species.

Some of the bird species found in Yugoslavia and known for their melodious songs include:

  1. Nightingale (Luscinia megarhynchos): Nightingales are known for their powerful and enchanting songs, often heard during the spring and summer months. They inhabit wooded areas with dense undergrowth, where they can be heard singing from dusk till dawn.
  2. Blackcap (Sylvia atricapilla): Blackcaps are songbirds known for their melodious and varied songs. They are common throughout Yugoslavia, particularly in woodland habitats.
  3. Common Nightingale (Luscinia megarhynchos): The Common Nightingale, similar to the Nightingale, is renowned for its beautiful and complex songs. It is a migratory bird that breeds in Yugoslavia during the summer months.
  4. Common Blackbird (Turdus merula): The Common Blackbird is a familiar sight and sound across Yugoslavia, known for its rich, flute-like song, particularly during the breeding season.
  5. Eurasian Wren (Troglodytes troglodytes): Despite its small size, the Eurasian Wren is known for its loud and melodious song, often heard in woodlands, parks, and gardens throughout Yugoslavia.


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