Yugoslavia / Serbia year 2002 Fauna / Fishes of Danube river MNH


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Yugoslavia / Serbia year 2002 Fauna / Fishes of Danube river MNH

Yugoslavia / Serbia year 2002 Fauna / Fishes of Danube river MNH

The Danube River, one of Europe’s major rivers, is home to a diverse array of fish species. Here are some of the notable fishes found in the Danube:

  1. Danube Salmon (Hucho hucho): Also known as the Danube Taimen or Huchen, this large and powerful salmonid fish is native to the Danube and its tributaries. It is highly valued by anglers for its size and fighting ability.
  2. Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio): Carp are abundant in the Danube and are one of the most common fish species found in the river. They are known for their adaptability to various habitats and can be found in slow-moving sections of the river as well as lakes and ponds.
  3. European Catfish (Silurus glanis): This large freshwater predator is native to the Danube and other European rivers. European catfish can grow to impressive sizes and are known for their distinctive appearance and voracious appetite.
  4. Barbel (Barbus barbus): Barbel are common in the lower stretches of the Danube, where the river widens and slows down. These bottom-dwelling fish are known for their barbels, which they use to sense food in murky waters.
  5. Sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus): The sterlet is one of the smallest species of sturgeon and is native to the Danube and other rivers in Eastern Europe. It is prized for its flavorful flesh and valuable roe.
  6. Zander (Sander lucioperca): Also known as the pikeperch, the zander is a predatory fish native to the Danube and other European rivers. It is highly prized by anglers for its firm white flesh and is often targeted using lures and live bait.
  7. Wels Catfish (Silurus glanis): The wels catfish, also known as the sheatfish, is Europe’s largest freshwater fish species. It is native to the Danube and other rivers and can grow to enormous sizes, making it a popular target for anglers.
  8. Chub (Squalius cephalus): Chub are widespread in the Danube and are often found in fast-flowing sections of the river. They are known for their silvery coloration and powerful fighting ability when hooked by anglers.


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