USSR / Russia year 1935 stamps M. I. Kalinin MNH/MLH – Complete set


USSR / Russia 1935 ☀ Birth Anniversary of M. I. Kalinin Mi#532-535 ☀ MNH/MLH

USSR / Russia year 1935 stamps M. I. Kalinin MNH/MLH – Complete set

Mikhail Ivanovich Kalinin was a prominent Soviet political figure who played a significant role in the early years of the Soviet Union. He served as the Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet, effectively the head of state of the Soviet Union, from 1919 until his death in 1946. Kalinin was highly respected within the Communist Party and held various leadership positions throughout his career.

In recognition of his contributions to the Soviet state and his status as a respected leader, Mikhail Kalinin was honored on several occasions with the issuance of postage stamps by the Soviet Union. These stamps typically featured his portrait, often alongside other prominent Soviet leaders or symbols of the Soviet state.

The depiction of Mikhail Kalinin on Soviet postage stamps served not only to commemorate his role in Soviet politics but also to reinforce his status as a revered figure within the Communist Party and Soviet society. These stamps were circulated throughout the Soviet Union and were also collected by philatelists both domestically and internationally.

Overall, the appearance of Mikhail Kalinin on Soviet postage stamps reflects his significance as a political leader and statesman in the early decades of the Soviet Union’s history.


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