Serbia year 2007 Europa CEPT – Scouts full set


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MNH set

Serbia year 2007 Europa CEPT – Scouts full set

Europa CEPT, or simply CEPT, stands for Conférence Européenne des Administrations des Postes et des Télécommunications (European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations). It’s an organization that was established in 1959 to harmonize postal and telecommunications services across Europe.

Every year, CEPT member countries issue postage stamps under a common theme known as the Europa stamp. These stamps are designed to promote cooperation and unity among European countries and often feature culturally significant subjects or historical events.

Scouting, as a theme for Europa CEPT stamps, has been featured on several occasions. The stamps typically depict scenes related to the scouting movement, such as scouts engaging in outdoor activities, camping, hiking, or performing acts of service. These stamps serve to celebrate the values of scouting, such as teamwork, leadership, outdoor skills, and community service, while also highlighting its widespread popularity and influence across Europe.

Stamp collectors often find Europa CEPT stamps featuring scouting to be particularly collectible due to their appealing designs and thematic significance. Additionally, these stamps can serve as a means of raising awareness about the scouting movement and its positive impact on young people and communities throughout Europe.


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