Montenegro 2016 Europa CEPT – Joint Think Green MNH


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Montenegro 2016 Europa CEPT – Joint Think Green MNH

Montenegro 2016 Europa CEPT – Joint Think Green MNH

Europa CEPT (European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations) is an organization that aims to harmonize postal and telecommunications services across Europe. Each year, Europa issues a series of postage stamps on a common theme, known as the Europa stamp issues.

“Think Green” is a theme that Europa CEPT has explored, emphasizing environmental conservation and sustainability. Stamps released under this theme often showcase various aspects of environmental awareness, such as biodiversity, renewable energy, conservation efforts, and eco-friendly practices.

These stamps serve not only as collectors’ items but also as a means of raising awareness about environmental issues among the general public. By promoting “Think Green” through postage stamps, Europa CEPT contributes to spreading the message of environmental responsibility and the importance of preserving our planet for future generations.


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