Macedonia year 2015 stamps Eurovision, Eurosong, Music MNH


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Macedonia year 2015 stamps Eurovision, Eurosong, Music MNH**

Macedonia year 2015 stamps Eurovision, Eurosong, Music MNH**

Eurovision, also known as the Eurovision Song Contest, is an annual international song competition organized by the European Broadcasting Union (EBU). It has been held since 1956, making it one of the longest-running television programs in the world. The contest features participants representing primarily European countries, though some non-European countries have also competed.

Each participating country submits an original song to be performed live on television and radio, and then votes are cast to determine the winner. The voting process involves both professional juries and viewers from each participating country, and it has often been a subject of intense discussion and speculation.

Eurovision has gained a massive following over the years, with millions of viewers tuning in to watch the spectacle of performances, elaborate stage designs, and the occasional dose of campiness. It has also served as a platform for launching the careers of many artists, while also showcasing the diverse musical styles and cultures of the participating countries.

The contest has become known not only for its music but also for its sense of camaraderie and celebration of cultural diversity. It’s a unique event that brings people together from across Europe and beyond to celebrate music and unity.


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