Kosovo year 2011 National Costumes stamps


Kosovo 2011  National Costumes  MNH**

Kosovo 2011 National Costumes MNH

Kosovo has issued several stamps featuring national costumes. Here are some notable examples:

  1. 2011: A set of stamps featuring traditional costumes from Kosovo, including four values (YV 86/89 + BF 11) and a souvenir sheet. These stamps are in mint condition and are available for purchase.
  2. 2004: A set of four stamps showcasing traditional costumes from Kosovo. These stamps are part of a series and are available for purchase through PostBeeld.
  3. 2011: A first-day cover (FDC) with a souvenir sheet featuring national costumes from Kosovo. This item is available for purchase through Nordfrim.
  4. 2011: A souvenir sheet featuring national costumes from Kosovo, which is also available through Nordfrim.
  5. 2011: A stamp catalog entry for a commemorative stamp featuring national clothes from Kosovo. This stamp has a multicolor design, a comb perforation of 13 x 13¼, and was printed using offset printing.

These stamps and philatelic items are a great way to appreciate and learn about the rich cultural heritage of Kosovo.




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