Kosovo postage stamps year 2020 COVID-19 Awareness


Kosovo postage stamps year 2020 COVID-19 Awareness MNH

Kosovo postage stamps year 2020 COVID-19 Awareness MNH**

In 2020, numerous countries issued postage stamps to raise awareness about COVID-19 and honor frontline workers. These stamps served as both functional postage and educational tools, promoting public health messages during the pandemic.

Examples of COVID-19 Awareness Stamps from 2020:

  • Iran: Issued the first COVID-19 stamp in March 2020, highlighting the global impact of the virus.
  • Vietnam: Released two stamps on March 31, 2020, to promote awareness of the coronavirus.
  • Brazil: In collaboration with the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), Brazil’s postal service launched stamps dedicated to COVID-19, aiming to raise awareness about the virus.
  • United Nations Postal Administration: Released a series titled “We Are All In This Together: Help Stop the Spread Of COVID-19,” emphasizing global solidarity in combating the pandemic.
  • Switzerland: Issued a semipostal stamp to support efforts against COVID-19, with proceeds contributing to pandemic relief.
  • India: Released a set of four stamps titled “Salute to COVID-19 Warriors” on December 24, 2020, honoring the efforts of frontline workers.

These stamps not only facilitated communication but also played a role in disseminating important health information and expressing gratitude to those combating the pandemic.


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