Italy year 1923 stamps – National Militia Welfare Fund MNH full set


Italy year 1923 stamps – National Militia Welfare Fund n. 147/149 MNH full set

Italy year 1923 stamps – National Militia Welfare Fund n. 147/149 MNH full set

In 1923, Italy issued a series of postage stamps to support the National Militia Welfare Fund (Fondo di Assistenza alla Milizia Nazionale). These stamps were part of a broader effort by the Italian government to raise funds for the welfare and support of the National Fascist Party’s militia, known as the Milizia Volontaria per la Sicurezza Nazionale (MVSN), or National Security Volunteer Militia.

The National Militia Welfare Fund stamps were sold at a premium above their face value, with the additional proceeds going towards the welfare programs and activities of the MVSN. The stamps featured various designs related to the militia, often depicting symbols of fascism, military imagery, or portraits of prominent fascist leaders.

The issuance of these stamps served both a practical and propagandistic purpose. On one hand, they helped raise funds to support the activities of the militia, including providing financial assistance to its members and their families. On the other hand, they reinforced the ideological and political objectives of the fascist regime, promoting loyalty to the party and its militaristic agenda.

These stamps are of interest to philatelists and historians as they provide insights into the intersection of politics, ideology, and postal administration during the Fascist era in Italy. They also reflect the broader trend of governments using postage stamps as a means of fundraising and propaganda during the early 20th century.