Italy year 1922 Eritrea early Victory issue, Full Set MH


Italy 1922 Eritrea  early Victory issue, Full Set  MH*

Italy and Eritrea have had historical connections through Italy’s colonization of Eritrea in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. During this period of Italian rule over Eritrea from 1890 to 1941, Italian stamps were used and circulated in Eritrea.
Some key points about Italian stamps used in Eritrea:

In 1893, the first stamps of Italy were overprinted “Colonia Eritrea” and used in the colony.
From 1903-1908, Italian stamps were overprinted specifically for use in Eritrea with inscriptions like “Eritrea Italiana.”
Between 1910-1936, the regular stamps of Italy were used in Eritrea without any overprints.
In 1936, after Italy annexed Eritrea as one of its colonial provinces, special definitive stamp series depicting scenes from Eritrea were issued for use in the colony.
These Italian colonial issues for Eritrea continued until 1941 when British forces took control of Eritrea during World War II.

So in summary, while Eritrea used its own stamps after independence, there was an era when Italian stamps, both regular issues and those overprinted specifically for the Eritrean colony, circulated and franked mail in Eritrea under Italian rule. This makes Italian colonial stamps a fascinating area for stamp collectors interested in the postal history of Eritrea.


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