Italy / Trieste A year 1953 AMG – FTT Cover


Italy / Trieste A year 1953  AMG – FTT  Cover

Italy / Trieste A year 1953 AMG – FTT Cover

The Trieste A Zone, also known as Zone A of the Free Territory of Trieste, was a territory established after World War II in the northern Adriatic region. It was administered by the Allied Military Government, primarily under the control of the United States and the United Kingdom, with Italy having nominal sovereignty.

After World War II, the city of Trieste and its surrounding areas became a point of contention between Italy and Yugoslavia. In 1947, the Paris Peace Treaties established the Free Territory of Trieste, which included Zone A (administered by the Allies) and Zone B (administered by Yugoslavia). The Trieste A Zone was primarily administered by the Allied Military Government (AMG), with U.S. and British military authorities overseeing its governance. The zone had its own government, legal system, and administrative institutions, separate from Italy. The Trieste A Zone was designated as a demilitarized area, and military forces from Italy, Yugoslavia, and other countries were prohibited from entering the territory. This demilitarization was intended to maintain peace and stability in the region. The status of the Free Territory of Trieste remained unresolved for several years, with tensions between Italy and Yugoslavia persisting. In 1954, the London Memorandum divided the territory between Italy and Yugoslavia, with Zone A being ceded to Italy. The resolution of the Trieste question helped improve relations between Italy and Yugoslavia.


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