Italian Eritrea year 1928/29 stamp 60c MLH


Italian Eritrea year 1928/29 stamp 60 C. SAS. 124 ☀ MLH

Italian Eritrea year 1928/29 stamp 60c MLH

The stamps issued by Italian Eritrea in the years 1928 and 1929 reflect the region’s colonial history under Italian rule. These stamps are notable for their artistic designs and historical significance. Here is an overview of the key issues from this period:

Italian Eritrea 1928/29 Stamps

1928 Issue: Italian Colonial Exhibition

  1. Colonial Exhibition Stamps
    • Date of Issue: 1928
    • Purpose: To commemorate the Italian Colonial Exhibition held in Rome.
    • Designs and Denominations:
      • 5 centesimi: Depicts the Coat of Arms of the Kingdom of Italy.
      • 10 centesimi: Features the bust of King Vittorio Emanuele III.
      • 15 centesimi: Shows a map of the Italian colonies, including Eritrea.
      • 20 centesimi: Illustrates a native soldier from Eritrea.
      • 50 centesimi: Depicts an allegory of Italy as a colonial power.
      • 1 lira: Shows a ship symbolizing Italy’s colonial expeditions.
    • Significance: These stamps were part of a broader propaganda effort to celebrate and legitimize Italy’s colonial enterprises.

1929 Issue: Regular and Airmail Stamps

  1. Regular Issue Stamps
    • Date of Issue: 1929
    • Designs and Denominations:
      • Various denominations featuring traditional colonial motifs, such as:
        • Portraits of King Vittorio Emanuele III.
        • Images of indigenous people and local landscapes.
        • Italian colonial architecture and infrastructure.
  2. Airmail Stamps
    • Date of Issue: 1929
    • Purpose: To facilitate and promote airmail services between Italy and its colonies.
    • Designs and Denominations:
      • 50 centesimi: Depicts an aircraft flying over the Italian Eritrean landscape.
      • 1 lira: Shows an aircraft over the Red Sea, highlighting the strategic importance of Eritrea’s location.
    • Significance: These stamps symbolized the modernization and connectivity brought by Italian colonial rule.

Collecting Information

  • Philatelic Interest: Stamps from this period are highly valued by collectors due to their historical context, the quality of the designs, and their representation of Italian colonial ambitions.
  • Artistic Value: The stamps feature detailed engravings and designs that reflect both Italian and Eritrean cultural elements, making them aesthetically appealing.
  • Catalog Listings: These stamps are listed in major philatelic catalogs such as Scott, Michel, and Stanley Gibbons, often with detailed descriptions and valuations.

Historical Context

  • Italian Eritrea: Eritrea was an Italian colony from 1890 until 1941. During this period, Italy invested heavily in the colony, building infrastructure and promoting Italian culture and administration.
  • Colonial Exhibitions: The 1928 Italian Colonial Exhibition in Rome was a significant event aimed at showcasing the achievements of Italy’s colonial empire and boosting national pride.


The stamps issued in Italian Eritrea during 1928 and 1929 provide a fascinating glimpse into the colonial era, reflecting both the aspirations of the Italian empire and the local context of Eritrea. They remain important historical artifacts and are highly prized in the philatelic community. Collecting these stamps offers insights into the complex history of colonialism and its impact on both the colonizers and the colonized.