Ireland year 1989 birds – Animals / Game Birds full set


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Ireland 1989 ☀ Animals / Game Birds set ☀ MNH**

Ireland year 1989 birds – Animals / Game Birds full set

In Ireland, game birds are an important part of the country’s natural heritage and cultural traditions, providing recreational opportunities for hunters and wildlife enthusiasts. Here are some notable game birds found in Ireland:

  1. Red Grouse (Lagopus lagopus scotica): Red grouse are native game birds found primarily in the upland moorlands and heather-covered hillsides of Ireland. They are known for their distinctive red plumage and rapid, low-level flight, making them a challenging quarry for hunters.
  2. Pheasant (Phasianus colchicus): Pheasants are non-native game birds that have been introduced to Ireland for hunting purposes. They are commonly found in woodlands, farmland, and hedgerows, where they feed on grains, seeds, and insects. Pheasant shooting is a popular activity during the hunting season.
  3. Partridge (Perdix perdix): Partridges are ground-dwelling game birds that inhabit agricultural areas, grasslands, and open countryside in Ireland. They are known for their distinctive calls and fast, low-level flight patterns. Partridge shooting is enjoyed by hunters during the hunting season.
  4. Woodcock (Scolopax rusticola): Woodcock are migratory game birds that visit Ireland during the winter months. They are known for their cryptic plumage and elusive behavior, making them challenging targets for hunters. Woodcock shooting is a traditional activity in Ireland, particularly in woodlands and marshy areas.
  5. Snipe (Gallinago gallinago): Snipe are small wading birds that breed in Ireland during the summer months. They inhabit wetlands, marshes, and damp grasslands, where they feed on invertebrates and small insects. Snipe shooting is a popular pursuit among hunters during the hunting season.
  6. Wildfowl (Ducks and Geese): Various species of ducks and geese are hunted in Ireland, particularly along coastal marshes, estuaries, and inland waterways. Common species include mallards, teal, wigeon, and Canada geese. Wildfowling is a traditional form of hunting that requires skill and knowledge of the birds’ habits and habitats.


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