Iceland year 1972 Fauna – Birds – Artic Tern FDC


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Iceland year 1972 Fauna – Birds – Artic Tern FDC

The Arctic Tern (Sterna paradisaea) is a migratory bird species that can be found in Iceland during the summer months. Here are some key points about the Arctic Tern in Iceland:

  1. Breeding Grounds: Iceland serves as an important breeding ground for Arctic Terns, which migrate from their wintering grounds in the Antarctic to breed in the Arctic and subarctic regions during the summer.
  2. Nesting Sites: Arctic Terns typically nest in colonies on coastal cliffs, rocky islands, and remote beaches around Iceland. They prefer open areas near water bodies where they can forage for fish and other prey.
  3. Long-Distance Migration: Arctic Terns undertake one of the longest migrations of any bird species, traveling thousands of kilometers each year between their breeding and wintering grounds. They follow a migratory route that takes them from the Arctic to the Antarctic and back again, covering a round-trip distance of up to 70,000 kilometers.
  4. Distinctive Appearance: Arctic Terns are small seabirds with a sleek body, white plumage, and a deeply forked tail. They have a black cap on their heads during the breeding season, which contrasts with their bright red-orange beak and legs.
  5. Vocalizations: Arctic Terns are known for their distinctive calls, which include high-pitched screams and chattering sounds. They use vocalizations for communication within colonies, during courtship displays, and while defending their nesting territories.
  6. Behavior: Arctic Terns are highly territorial during the breeding season and will aggressively defend their nests and chicks against potential predators or intruders. They are also skilled aerial predators, using their sharp beaks to catch fish and other prey while in flight.

Arctic Terns are an iconic and integral part of Iceland’s avian biodiversity, contributing to the country’s rich natural heritage and attracting birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts from around the world.


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