Hungary year 1938 stamps Ann. of Death St. Stephen MNH


Hungary 1938  The 900th Anniversary of the Death of St. Stephen

Hungary year 1938 stamps Ann. of Death St. Stephen MNH

The death of St. Stephen refers to the martyrdom of Saint Stephen, who is considered the first Christian martyr. The story of his death is recounted in the New Testament book of Acts, specifically in Acts 7:54-60.

According to Christian tradition, Stephen was a deacon in the early Christian church in Jerusalem. He was known for his preaching and his devotion to spreading the message of Jesus Christ. However, his teachings angered some Jewish authorities, who accused him of blasphemy.

In Acts 7, Stephen delivers a powerful sermon before the Jewish Sanhedrin, in which he recounts the history of Israel and accuses the Jewish leaders of resisting the Holy Spirit and betraying the righteous prophets. This enrages the crowd, and they drag Stephen outside the city and stone him to death.

As he is being stoned, Stephen reportedly sees a vision of heaven and declares, “Look, I see heaven open and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God” (Acts 7:56, NIV). He forgives his persecutors and asks God to forgive them as well. Stephen’s martyrdom is significant in Christian tradition as an example of steadfast faith and courage in the face of persecution. He is commemorated as a saint in various Christian denominations, with his feast day celebrated on December 26th in the Western Church and December 27th in the Eastern Orthodox Church.


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