The Weimar Republic, the democratic government established in Germany after World War I and named after the city of Weimar where the new constitution was drawn up, issued a variety of postage stamps during its existence from 1919 to 1933. These stamps reflected the political, social, and economic climate of the time. One of the most notable features of postage stamps during the Weimar Republic was the period of hyperinflation in the early 1920s. The value of the German mark plummeted, leading to astronomical price increases. To keep up with inflation, the postal authorities issued stamps with increasingly higher denominations, including denominations in the millions and even billions of marks. These stamps from the inflation period are often characterized by their large denominations and intricate designs. They were often overprinted with new values as inflation soared, and new stamps were frequently issued to keep pace with the rapidly depreciating currency.

Germany year 1920/33 stamps Weimar Republic / Dienstmarke / Used Collection
35,00 €