DDR year 1955 Friedrich von Schiller MNH stamps


DDR 1955  Block 11 + 12 fascism + Schiller  MNH**

Friedrich von Schiller (1759-1805) was a prominent German poet, playwright, philosopher, and historian who made significant contributions to German literature and thought during the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Here are some key aspects of his life and work:

Life and Background:

  1. Early Life: Schiller was born on November 10, 1759, in Marbach am Neckar, Germany. He studied medicine at the Karlsschule Stuttgart (Stuttgart Military Academy) but was more drawn to literature and philosophy.
  2. Literary Career: Schiller’s early works included “The Robbers” (1781), a play that brought him fame but also controversy due to its rebellious themes against tyranny and injustice.
  3. Friendship with Goethe: Schiller’s friendship with Johann Wolfgang von Goethe was significant in both men’s literary development. They collaborated and influenced each other’s works, forming a pivotal literary partnership in German Romanticism.

Works and Themes:

  1. Dramatic Works: Schiller’s plays are central to his literary legacy. They often explore themes of freedom, justice, and the struggle against oppression. Some notable works include:
    • “The Robbers” (1781)
    • “Intrigue and Love” (1784)
    • “Don Carlos” (1787)
    • “Wallenstein” trilogy (1798-1799)
    • “Mary Stuart” (1800)
    • “William Tell” (1804)
  2. Philosophical Writings: Schiller also wrote essays and treatises on aesthetics and philosophy. His ideas on the importance of beauty and art in promoting moral and political freedom are encapsulated in works such as “On the Aesthetic Education of Man” (1795).
  3. Historical Works: Schiller’s historical writings, such as his “History of the Thirty Years’ War” (1791), demonstrated his skill as a historian and his interest in exploring significant events through a critical lens.

Legacy and Impact:

  1. Literary Influence: Schiller’s works continue to be studied and performed worldwide. His dramas are considered classics of German literature, exploring timeless themes of human struggle and moral dilemmas.
  2. Philosophical Legacy: Schiller’s ideas on the role of art and beauty in society influenced later thinkers and artists, contributing to discussions on aesthetics and cultural philosophy.
  3. Political and Cultural Impact: Schiller’s emphasis on individual freedom and resistance to tyranny resonates with movements for social justice and political reform throughout history.

In summary, Friedrich von Schiller remains a towering figure in German literature and philosophy, known for his profound insights into human nature, society, and the quest for freedom. His works continue to inspire and provoke thought across generations.



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