Danzig stamps year 1920 Block of six


Danzig – 1920  Block of six Michel Nr. 153  MNH**

Danzig stamps year 1920 Block of six

Danzig stamps refer to the postage stamps issued for the Free City of Danzig (now GdaÅ„sk, Poland) between 1920 and 1939. Here’s an overview of Danzig philately:

Historical Context:

  • Danzig was established as a free city under League of Nations protection after World War I
  • It had its own postal administration separate from Germany and Poland

Key Periods:

  1. 1920-1923: Early Issues
    • Overprinted German stamps
    • First definitive series featuring local landmarks
  2. 1924-1937: Main Period
    • Various definitive and commemorative issues
    • Designs often featured local scenes, buildings, and coat of arms
  3. 1938-1939: Final Issues
    • Last stamps before German annexation in 1939

Notable Issues:

  • 1921 Cogwheel and Galleon definitive series
  • 1923 Large Coat of Arms series
  • 1924-1938 Various pictorial definitives showing local landmarks
  • Several airmail and official stamps


  • Numerous overprints and surcharges due to currency changes
  • Port Gdansk overprints for use in the Polish post office
  • Various perforation varieties and paper types

End of Danzig Stamps:

  • Ceased with German annexation in September 1939
  • German stamps used thereafter until 1945

Collecting Interest:

  • Popular area for collectors of German-related areas
  • Interesting crossover with Polish philately
  • Some issues, especially early overprints and errors, can be quite valuable

Danzig stamps offer a unique window into the interwar period and the complex political situation of the Free City. They’re known for their attractive designs and historical significance. As with many issues from this era and region, forgeries exist, so authentication is important for rare items.


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