Bosnia year 2007 Flora – Fruits’ Cranberry stamp


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Bosnia year 2007 Flora – Fruits’ Cranberry stamp MNH block

In 2007, Bosnia and Herzegovina issued a postage stamp featuring the cranberry fruit as part of a Flora series highlighting the country’s plant life.

Here are the key details about this Bosnian cranberry stamp:


  • The stamp was issued on September 6, 2007.
  • It had a face value of 3 Convertible Marks.


  • The design features a close-up illustration of ripe cranberry fruits and leaves.
  • The botanical name “Vaccinium oxycoccos” is inscribed on the stamp.
  • It has the name “Moćvarna brusnica” which means “Cranberry” in the Bosnian language.
  • The design has a plain light green background color.


  • Cranberries grow in bog areas in parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina and are an important local crop.
  • This stamp highlighted the cranberry as one of the botanical fruits native to Bosnia’s flora.
  • It was likely part of a larger set or series depicting different fruit/berry species from the country.
  • The stamp holds interest for topical collectors focused on fruits, berries, plants and Bosnian subjects.

While a fairly modest modern issue, the 2007 Bosnian cranberry stamp allowed the postal service to showcase one of the small yet significant botanical fruits and crops found within the diverse plant life across Bosnia’s regions. It provided an educational glimpse into the country’s natural flora.


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