Bosnia year 1996 stamps National costumes full set


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Bosnia Fed. Sarajevo 1996 ☀ National costumes ☀ MNH**

Bosnia year 1996 stamps National costumes full set

Bosnia and Herzegovina has a rich tradition of diverse national costumes, reflecting the cultural and ethnic diversity of its population. These costumes, also known as traditional or folk costumes, vary from region to region and are often associated with specific ethnic groups or communities. Here are some examples of traditional Bosnian costumes:

  1. Bosniak Costume: The traditional costume of the Bosniak (Bosnian Muslim) population is characterized by its colorful and ornate attire for both men and women. Men typically wear a long-sleeved shirt, waistcoat (jelek), trousers (šalvare), and a fez or turban. Women’s costumes often include a brightly colored dress (jelek), embroidered apron (futa), headscarf (marama), and sometimes a sash or belt.
  2. Serb Costume: The traditional costume of the Serbian population in Bosnia and Herzegovina varies depending on the region. Men may wear a shirt (košulja), vest (jelek), trousers (šalvare), and a cap or hat. Women’s costumes often feature a blouse (košulja), vest (jelek), skirt (suknja), apron (futa), and headscarf (šamija).
  3. Croat Costume: The traditional costume of the Croatian population in Bosnia and Herzegovina also varies by region. Men may wear a shirt (košulja), waistcoat (jelek), trousers (hlače), and a cap or hat. Women’s costumes typically include a blouse (bluza), vest (jelek), skirt (suknja), apron (futa), and headscarf (šamija).
  4. Jewish Costume: The Jewish population in Bosnia and Herzegovina has its own unique traditional attire, influenced by Sephardic Jewish culture. Traditional Jewish costumes may include elements such as a caftan (kaftan), trousers (šalvare), and a skullcap (kippah) for men, while women may wear a dress (fustan), apron (futa), and headscarf (tichel).
  5. Roma Costume: The Roma (Gypsy) population in Bosnia and Herzegovina has distinctive traditional costumes that reflect their nomadic lifestyle and cultural heritage. Roma costumes often feature vibrant colors, elaborate embroidery, and a mix of traditional and modern elements.


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