Bosnia HP Mostar stamp year 2011 Anniversary of the First Printed Book


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Bosnia ( HP Mostar ) 2011  400th Ann. of the First Printed Book MNH (**)

Bosnia HP Mostar stamp year 2011 Anniversary of the First Printed Book

The first printed book is generally considered to be the Diamond Sutra, a Chinese Buddhist text printed in 868 CE using woodblock printing. It was discovered in Dunhuang, China, and is currently preserved in the British Library.

However, the first book printed using movable type was the Jikji, a Korean Buddhist text printed in 1377 CE—predating Gutenberg’s press by nearly 80 years.

The most famous first book printed with a movable-type printing press in the West is the Gutenberg Bible, printed by Johannes Gutenberg in 1455 CE in Mainz, Germany. This marked the beginning of the mass production of books in Europe.


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