Albania year 1964 Planets in the Solar System full set MNH


Albania year 1964 Planets in the Solar System full set MNH**

Albania year 1964 Planets in the Solar System full set MNH**

The Solar System consists of eight recognized planets, listed here in order of their distance from the Sun:

  1. Mercury: The closest planet to the Sun, Mercury is also the smallest planet in the Solar System. It has a rocky surface similar to Earth’s Moon.
  2. Venus: Often called Earth’s “sister planet” due to its similar size and composition, Venus has a thick atmosphere that traps heat, making it the hottest planet in the Solar System.
  3. Earth: Our home planet, Earth is the only known celestial body to harbor life. It has a diverse range of environments, including oceans, continents, and an atmosphere that supports various forms of life.
  4. Mars: Often called the “Red Planet” due to its reddish appearance, Mars has fascinated scientists for centuries. It has polar ice caps, canyons, and ancient river valleys, leading to speculation about the possibility of past or present life.
  5. Jupiter: The largest planet in the Solar System, Jupiter is a gas giant with a thick atmosphere primarily composed of hydrogen and helium. It is known for its colorful bands of clouds and the iconic Great Red Spot, a massive storm system.
  6. Saturn: Known for its stunning ring system, Saturn is another gas giant with a complex atmosphere. Its rings are made up of countless icy particles and are one of the most recognizable features in the Solar System.
  7. Uranus: Uranus is an ice giant with a distinctive feature: it rotates on its side, likely due to a past collision. It has a faint ring system and a bluish hue caused by the presence of methane in its atmosphere.
  8. Neptune: The farthest known planet from the Sun, Neptune is another ice giant. It has a dynamic atmosphere with high-speed winds and dark storms, including the famous Great Dark Spot.

In addition to these eight planets, there are also dwarf planets, asteroids, comets, and other smaller objects that orbit the Sun within the Solar System.