Albania postage stamps set year 1974 Spartakiada sport games


Albania sport postage stamps set year 1974 Basketball Wrestling Soccer Weightlifting

Albania postage stamps set year 1974 Spartakiada sport games

Spartakiada, originally a Soviet-era event, refers to a series of mass sporting competitions that were established as an alternative to the Olympic Games. Named after the ancient gladiator Spartacus, it was first organized by the Soviet Union in the 1920s to promote physical fitness, socialist values, and the unity of the workers’ movement. The games were intended to highlight the physical prowess of workers and soldiers rather than individual athletes, emphasizing collective over individual achievement.

There were different levels of Spartakiada games, including:

  1. International Spartakiada Games: Involving teams from socialist or communist countries and organizations worldwide.
  2. All-Union Spartakiada: An event held within the Soviet Union with participants from its various republics.
  3. Local or regional Spartakiada games: Competitions were held in schools, factories, or communities.

The Spartakiada emphasized sports such as athletics, gymnastics, soccer, and military-style exercises. After the fall of the Soviet Union, the concept declined, but in some post-Soviet states, similar games continue under various names to promote sports and health on a community level.


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