Antigua year 1938 stamps Short Set MHH/MH


Antigua year 1938 stamps Short Set MHH/MH

“British Antigua” refers to the island of Antigua when it was under British colonial rule. Antigua and Barbuda, located in the Eastern Caribbean, were British colonies until they gained independence in 1981.

During the colonial period, Antigua was part of the British Empire’s network of sugar-producing colonies. Like many other Caribbean islands, Antigua was heavily involved in sugar cultivation, which relied heavily on enslaved labor from Africa. The British established plantations on the island, which led to the importation of thousands of African slaves to work on these plantations.

The legacy of British rule, including the impact of slavery and colonialism, continues to shape Antigua and Barbuda’s society, culture, and economy today. Though independent, the country remains a member of the Commonwealth, with Queen Elizabeth II as its ceremonial head of state, represented locally by a Governor-General.