Yugoslavia Kingdom year 1926 King Alexander MH stamps set


Yugoslavia Kingdom year 1926 King Alexander MH stamps set

Yugoslavia Kingdom year 1926 King Alexander MH stamps set

The Kingdom of Yugoslavia issued various postage stamps during its existence, including a notable set in 1926 featuring King Alexander I. Collecting these stamps can be a fascinating hobby for philatelists interested in historical European issues.

Overview of the 1926 King Alexander I Stamps

Release Year: 1926
Country: Kingdom of Yugoslavia
Subject: King Alexander I


The 1926 King Alexander I stamp set features portraits of King Alexander I, who ruled Yugoslavia from 1921 until his assassination in 1934. These stamps are an important part of Yugoslavian philatelic history and reflect the design and printing techniques of the era.

Key Features

  1. Design: The stamps typically feature a side profile portrait of King Alexander I, often in military attire, symbolizing his role as a leader and unifier of the Yugoslavian state.
  2. Denominations: The set includes various denominations, catering to different postal rates of the time. Common values range from low to high denominations, used for both domestic and international postage.
  3. Colors: The stamps come in a variety of colors, each denomination often having its distinct color scheme.
  4. Perforations: The perforations can vary, and examining the perforation patterns can be crucial for identifying genuine stamps versus reprints or forgeries.

Collecting Tips

  1. Condition: Look for mint, hinged (MH) stamps in good condition. MH means the stamps have been previously hinged but still retain their original gum.
  2. Authentication: Due to the historical value, ensure the stamps are authenticated by a reputable philatelic expert or organization to avoid counterfeits.
  3. Historical Context: Understanding the historical context of King Alexander I’s reign can add depth to your collection. This includes his efforts in unifying the South Slavic peoples and the political climate of the time.


The value of these stamps can vary based on condition, rarity, and demand. High-quality, well-preserved stamps, especially those with rare denominations or unique features, tend to be more valuable. Consulting a current stamp catalog or a philatelic expert can provide specific valuation details.