Slovenia Argentina joint issue year 2019 Famous Architect MNH


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Slovenia Argentina joint issue 2019  Architect Viktor Sulcic MSS  MNH

In 2019, Slovenia and Argentina jointly issued a set of stamps to commemorate the 110th anniversary of the birth of the famous Slovenian architect Viktor Sulčič (1909-1996). Sulčič is renowned for his work in Argentina, where he designed several notable buildings in Buenos Aires.

The joint issue features the following:

  1. Slovenian stamp (€1.30): The stamp depicts a portrait of Viktor Sulčič and one of his most famous works, the Abril Building (Edificio Abril) in Buenos Aires. The Abril Building, constructed between 1938 and 1940, is a prime example of modernist architecture in Argentina.
  2. Argentine stamp ($50): The Argentine stamp also features a portrait of Viktor Sulčič and another one of his notable designs, the Transradio Building (Edificio Transradio) in Buenos Aires. The Transradio Building, built in the late 1930s, is known for its functionalist style and innovative use of reinforced concrete.

Both stamps were designed by Argentinian graphic designer Mariana López Ramírez and Slovenian designer Edi Berk. The Slovenian stamp was issued by the Post of Slovenia (Pošta Slovenije), while the Argentine stamp was issued by the National Postal Service of Argentina (Correo Oficial de la República Argentina).