Russia post in Turkey year 1910 10 Piaster stamps


Russia post in Turkey year 1910 10 Piaster stamps

Russia post in Turkey year 1910 10 Piasters / 1 Rub – MNH stamps

In the early 20th century, Russia maintained several postal offices abroad, including in the Ottoman Empire (modern-day Turkey). These offices issued stamps to facilitate international mail. In 1910, one notable issue was the 10 Piaster stamps.

Key Points on Russia Post in Turkey – 1910 10 Piaster Stamps

  1. Historical Context: The Russian Empire operated a network of postal offices in the Ottoman Empire due to significant Russian commercial and diplomatic presence. These offices were part of the broader practice of foreign powers maintaining extraterritorial postal services in the region.
  2. Design and Features:
    • Denomination: The stamps were denominated in piasters, the currency of the Ottoman Empire, rather than in kopecks or rubles, reflecting the local currency system.
    • Design: Typical designs included the imperial Russian coat of arms, featuring the double-headed eagle, and inscriptions in Cyrillic.
  3. Usage: These stamps were used for international mail originating from Russian post offices in the Ottoman Empire, ensuring that correspondence could be routed through the established Russian postal network.

Examples and Description

  • 10 Piaster Stamp: One of the notable stamps from this period is the 10 piaster issue, which is characterized by:
    • Color: Often a specific color such as blue or green, designed to differentiate it from other denominations.
    • Imperial Symbol: The Russian double-headed eagle, symbolizing the Russian Empire.
    • Inscriptions: Typically, they would have inscriptions indicating their usage in the Russian postal system and their value in piasters.

Collecting Considerations

  1. Authenticity: Verify the authenticity, as philatelic forgeries can be common. Authentic stamps should have appropriate postmarks from Russian postal offices in the Ottoman Empire.
  2. Condition: The condition of the stamp significantly affects its value. Look for stamps with clear printing, intact perforations, and minimal damage.
  3. Postal History: Stamps on cover (envelopes with stamps used in postal service) can provide valuable context and are often more sought after by collectors due to their historical significance.
  4. Rarity: Some of these stamps are relatively rare and can be valuable, especially if they are in good condition or have a clear postal cancellation.

Notable Aspects

  • Postal Markings: Stamps used in these offices might bear unique postal markings indicating the specific office of origin within the Ottoman Empire.
  • Philatelic Interest: These stamps are of great interest to collectors of Russian philately, Ottoman postal history, and those interested in the postal history of foreign offices abroad.


The 1910 10 Piaster stamps issued by Russian post offices in Turkey are a fascinating area of philately, reflecting the international presence and influence of the Russian Empire in the Ottoman Empire. Collectors value these stamps for their historical context, unique designs, and the intricate story they tell about early 20th-century geopolitics and international mail services.