Austria empire year 1860/1890 Used postage stamps lot


Austria empire year 1860/1890 Used postage stamps lot

Collecting and studying postage stamps can provide a fascinating glimpse into history. For Austrian stamps from the period of 1860 to 1890, there are several notable series and designs that collectors often seek. Here is an overview of the key issues and characteristics of Austrian postage stamps from this era:

Austrian Stamps from 1860 to 1890

1. 1860-1861: Emperor Franz Joseph I Issue

  • Design: These stamps featured a portrait of Emperor Franz Joseph I in an oval frame.
  • Denominations: Common denominations included 2 kreuzer (yellow), 3 kreuzer (green), 5 kreuzer (red), 10 kreuzer (brown), and 15 kreuzer (blue).
  • Watermark and Perforation: Early issues had no watermark and were imperforate; later issues introduced perforation and watermarks.

2. 1863-1867: Coarse Print Issues

  • Design: Similar to the earlier Emperor Franz Joseph I issues but with coarser printing.
  • Denominations: Various denominations, often distinguished by different colors.
  • Printing Method: These were printed using typographic methods and are noted for their less refined appearance compared to later issues.

3. 1867: New Currency – Kreuzer to Florin

  • Transition: In 1867, Austria transitioned from the kreuzer to the florin as the currency for postal rates.
  • Design: Stamps featured similar portraits of Emperor Franz Joseph I but with updated values reflecting the new currency.

4. 1873: Fine Print Issues

  • Design: Higher quality printing of Emperor Franz Joseph I’s portrait.
  • Perforation and Watermark: Improved perforation techniques and the introduction of watermarked paper.

5. 1883: Jubilee Issue

  • Design: Issued to commemorate the 25th anniversary of Emperor Franz Joseph I’s reign.
  • Features: These stamps featured elaborate designs with detailed engravings and multiple colors.

6. 1890: Military Frontier Issue

  • Design: Specific stamps issued for use in the Military Frontier region, with distinctive designs and overprints.
  • Usage: These were intended for regions along the border and had unique postmarks and cancellations.

Key Points for Collectors

  • Condition: The value of these stamps can vary significantly based on their condition, with mint (unused) stamps generally being more valuable than used ones.
  • Perforations: Pay attention to the quality and completeness of perforations, as this affects the stamp’s overall condition.
  • Watermarks: Some issues have watermarks, and identifying these can help in dating and valuing the stamps.
  • Postmarks: Postmarks and cancellations can add historical interest and sometimes value, especially if they are from significant locations or events.
  • Rarity: Some issues are rarer than others, and variations such as color errors, misprints, or unique cancellations can be particularly valuable.


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