- Postage stamps USA space stamps year 1981 Cardboard – Hermann Oberth Germany United States year 1981 – Hermann Oberth Spacelab US Space stamps year 1977 Joint issue US – Germany -Spacelab US Space stamps year 1978 Joint issue US – Germany US SPACE stamps year 1991 29c Space Exploration 10 – Colorano USA year 1983 Flight USPS NASA – Challenger WWII Croatia postage stamps NDH year 1941/44 Mauritania stamps year 2017 WWF Fauna Birds – Parrots UN Vienna stamps year 2016 Architecture Czechia San Marino postage stamps year 1964 – Olympic Games Tokyo San Marino Stamps year 1965 Cycling – 48th Giro d` Italia San Marino Stamps year 1962 Modern hunting complete set San Marino Stamps year 1961 Hunting in the 16-18th Century San Marino Stamps year 1966 Art – Paintings by Tiziano Vecellio San Marino Stamps year 1971 Art – Paintings by Antonio Canaletto San Marino Stamps year 1969 Art – Frescoes in Siena San Marino postage stamps year 1969 Europa Cept Yugoslavia Kingdom postage stamps year 1937 Vrbaska banovina Macedonia year 2004 Cultural Heritage – Crafts stamps set Kosovo postage stamps year 2015 Archaeology San Marino postage Stamps year 1976 Art – Civic Virtues FNR Yugoslavia postage stamps year 1946 Complete set France postage stamp year 1970 Plane – Concorde Montenegro postage stamps year 2004 Philatelist exhibition MSS Kosovo postage stamps year 2004 woodwind instruments Kosovo postage stamps year 2004 woodwind instruments FDC Bosnia postage stamp year 2010 Saint Nicholas – Christmas Hungary postage stamps year 1900 – 1904 King Franz Joseph Bosnia postage stamps HP Mostar year 2008  Christmas and New Year Bosnia postage stamps HP Mostar year 2007  Christmas and New Year Yugoslavia postage stamps year 1998 Famous Personalities in Serbia Yugoslavia postage stamps year 1998 World Champions in Basketball – Athens Yugoslavia postage stamps year 1950 Navy day Yugoslavia postage stamps year 1947 Sport Belgrade Games Yugoslavia stamps year 1947 Construction of the Samac-Sarajevo Railway Yugoslavia postage stamps year 1948 Slovenian – Lovrenz Kosir Bosnia – Serbian stamps year 2012 Chinese Lunar New Year of the Loong Dragon Bosnia – Serbian post stamps set year 2009 Happy New Year Serbia stamp year 2012 Cathedral of St. Michael the Archangel Bosnia stamp year 2003 Anniversary – Birth of Leo Tolstoy Bosnia stamp year 2001 Alexander Graham Bell, Telephone Luxembourg postage stamps year 1970 Architecture Castles set Bahrain postage stamps year 1992 Horse-racing German Reich postage stamps year 1934 Death of President Hindenburg Postage stamps store German Reich postage stamps year 1938 Breslau Athletic Competition German Reich postage stamps year 1934 Saar Restoration set German Reich postage stamps year 1938 Hitler Youth Set German Reich postage stamps year 1937 Air Defence  Philately – Stamp Collecting News